Hey there,
Its been a while! Reason – I am a Mom now!
The roller coaster of life has taken another turn. Pregnancy and child birth did’nt fail to astonish me. Learnt more than I could have expected. While pregnant, my focus was stuck on health and growth of the baby alone. I did ignore a lot to be done while pregnant, things like ( being active, workout or simply moving) and I think I could have done better if only I had the enlightenment and willingness I have today. But then, you cant be all brave when you are pregnant for the first time. I tell this to myself This way I can cut some slack for myself
Leaving the pregnancy phase behind, being a Mother got me too! My baby will be turning one soon, so I call myself a Little “Experienced MoM” now. However, I am learning, learning and learning good.
There are days when I just dont want to get out of the bed, cant move and feel like “can someone be my baby’s mom today”???
There is just no stopping. And that is what it is – MOM LIFE.
So, I was hoping that sharing my experiences would be of some help to someone out there as naive as me.
I will see you ladies soon with posts that might be of some help
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