I love FOOD
The skinny wants to gain weight, the normal wants to look perfect, and the obese looks at how these people are unable to love the beautiful body they already have.
The young generation is bothered a hell a lot by their weight. What to eat? what not to eat? Calorie counting, measuring tapes, charts hanging on walls with what and when to eat, before-after articles of losing weight and what not.
Sitting here and being a part of all this, my inner voice keeps asking me "What on earth is this all ???". Lately, I have joined this "I am on dieting club" too, but the inner foodie keeps asking "Why should I eat 5-6 times a day? Why do so much dieting ? Why give up everything I love? Am I going to be the lead in a movie?"
I accept that today's lifestyle requires all this attention. But personally, binding myself to all of this feels choking. It feels like the time when you have exams. You want to play, you want to watch TV, oh see your relatives visited but you cannot spend time with them coz you have EXAMS. But Exams End after some time. Will this dieting, strictly following the nutrition chart on wall and calorie counting ever end? Well, I don't mean to say eat everything on earth and grow horizontally like a pig. All my inner voice keeps saying is "Why so OVERconscious?" Conscious is good, but why go crazy?
Eating a whole meal is leaving me more with a guilty feeling than satisfaction. Eating tummy full is a crime. You can also get bullied about it. Talking to friends and all I remember them saying was " NO CARBS NO SUGAR" All the carbs that your body needs are fulfilled from vegetables and other fruits. Didn't your fitness trainer tell you? Only 1200 calories a day !
Oh My God! Then I see people running to the dieticians !!! Seriously??? Dietician???
All my life I ate rice 2 times a day, ( Full Meals) Tummy full. No, I didn't grow into a pig !! I was fine, I was good, at least I never felt guilty. Now, most of my times I spend watching THE FOOD RANGER's videos. Him tasting all the tasty Indian food and yeah me drooling here.
Yes, I want to be healthy, yes I want to be fit, yes I want to fit in all the dresses I want, but No I don't want to go crazy! I don't like this feeling of feeling guilty after a good meal. I don't want to be overConscious. I want to be healthy and JUST Conscious!!
Okay so, after all of this, are the fitness freaks going to love their body? NO, that's not gonna happen any time soon. But I want to say, from here on I want to love my body, accept it and keep it healthy and fit. I wouldn't run crazy and stuff my mouth with burgers and pizzas but No I wouldn't give up on anything I like to eat anytime. I Don't wanna die DIETING !! Coz I love Food! Food satisfies my soul! Because I am foodie!!
Great post! Have nice day ! 🙂 vvrgj