Blackheads, white heads Removal: On a vacation and stressed seeing the”oh so clearly visible blackheads /whiteHeads?” What now? You can start hunting for a nearby parlour, but before you go that long stay with us since we have some quick fix solutions for blackhead |whitehead removal bearing in mind the emergency situation you are in.
The solutions are tested and full proof. And worry, not the things you would need are quite handy regardless of the fact where you are.
Toothbrush and paste: Like I said, you sure have these unless of course you landed on a deserted island without your knowledge. Well, don’t get too excited already and put a ton of toothpaste all over the length of the brush. Because it HURTS bad on the skin!. That tingling mint effect doesn’t make the eyes and skin very happy. So please go easy with the toothpaste. Make circular motions for a minute to get away from the appearing black/whiteheads.

Wax strips: So, if you happen to have packed the wax strips, put them in use. Cut a small piece from the wax strip. Approximately of the size of an inch. Place the wax strip, rub and pull against the direction of the blackheads. There is no quick fix than this and the results are amazing. You can also do the same with silver tape or brown packaging tape or simply with any possible sticker like material. Maybe that hanging sticker on your luggage from your previous flight can help too!
Salt/sugar: Take about two pinches of sugar/salt and make a paste with little water. Rub in on your nose and say hello to black/whiteheads free nose!
Steam: If none of the above tips and tricks satisfied you. You are welcome to steam your face. Take a bowl of steaming water( from the sink of your washroom of course) and put your face above it with a towel draped around you. This helps opening the pores. Once done try to remove them manually.

Lemon and Salt: If you can grab some salt and lemon, you are close to getting rid of those not so pleasant appearances. A drop of lemon and a pinch of salt, make a paste and scrub the nose. Rinse with warm water.
Basically, anything that has a little texture and can work as a scrub would help you get rid of the blackheads|whiteheads instantly.
Hope this helped! Do let me know below if you have more tips
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