Trick to store Bread Packet | Bread Storage idea: You bring in a packet of bread, use some then what? You twist the empty part and shove it in the fridge before it twists back? Or you may look around for a rubber band. What if I tell you a trick to seal the pack without twisting or using a rubber, would you be happy? Well, if it was me I would jump with joy. And if you are like me then here is a trick to store bread packet in the fridge/Bread Storage Ideas without any fuss.
Trick to Store Bread Packet in the Fridge | Bread Storage Ideas
Once the open and take out few slices of bread, an empty space is created in the pack.
Select any diagonal sides.
Take a pair of scissors and cut the diagonal sides of the pack along their available length.
Once you cut the diagonal sides, the whole now has two sides.
Hold the two sides across and make a knot.
There you go, no more twisting, taping or using a rubber band.
As you go along and use the slices deepen the cut along the length of the pack and you can seal the pack.
Hope you have liked the Trick to store bread packed| Bread Storage Idea 🙂

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