Skincare tips: Rome wasn’t built in a day like so flawless skin can’t be achieved overnight. This festive season you sure want to look stunning and for that, I have 6 tips which you would want to take a look at for beautiful and flawless skin.
A glowing skin comes from within and to get that glow we have a 5-day plan of skin care tips that shall escalate from within care to the outside skincare.
Morning Routine:
Water on an empty stomach: Start your day with at least 250 ml of water. This helps flush the toxins.

An apple: Make sure the first thing you eat is an “Apple” An apple in the morning brings a glow on the face just like that!
Egg white: whites of an egg or two. Eggs are a great source of amino acids that help in the production of new skin cells. Not just that, eggs are full of antioxidants that act as UV Protectant and lessens the damage caused by the sun. There is so much in that tiny egg! Why don’t you gobble up one a day!
Watch what you put inside: Keep an eye on what you eat. Indulge more on fruits- citrus fruits are known for their magic on the skin and drink up a whole lot of water. You might have to hit the washroom a couple more times than usual but for a plumpy, soft and glowing skin, we can do that! Can’t we?
Night routine: Wash your face before going to bed. Put on a moisturiser, baby oil or almond oil and massage your face for about a minute. You will feel the blood flowing underneath and this helps get a deep sleep too. yay!
Good Sleep: Do you know even if you do everything right and do not sleep enough your skin would still look dull and lifeless? Yes, a good 8 hours sleep, not any 8 hours but sleeping at the right time really counts when it comes to achieving a healthy skin. You cannot say you slept right and good if you slept from 3 am to the 12:00 noon. Make a habit to sleep early or atleast try to hit the bed before midnight. This really counts.

Well, that was what you need to do to get a glowing skin from within.
Skincare tips for a beautiful and flawless skin.
1. Skip soap/face wash for a week: Replace it with gram flour mixed with a pinch of turmeric or you can use any bath powder that is easily available. It acts like a detox for the skin.
2. Scrub your nose and under lip area alternate days. This helps maintain a healthy and black/white head free skin.
3 Face pack: Natural and homemade beauty packs help like nothing else. Take a look around your kitchen and you will find many natural skincare ingredients.
To make this pack you will need:
- Gram flour
- Curd
- lemon
- Honey
Make a paste of the above ingredients. Dampen your face and apply the pack. Make circular strokes on your cheeks, T zone (with a motion from the inside to the outside) using just two fingers. Apply this pack a day before your occasion for a fresh glow. The freshness stays for about a week. Repeat when necessary.
Not all are blessed with a flawless skin. Many need to work for it. Also, one needs to remember that “you are what you eat”. Therefore always eat healthy, drink a lot of water, sleep good and follow the skincare tips to be the owner of gorgeous skin

Article Name
Skincare Tips: 5 day plan for a Beautiful and Flawless Skin
Glowing skin is a healthy skin that comes from within.To help you achieve that healthy glow we are here with a 5-day plan skincare tips.
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